Posted on Sat 03 November 2007

Maralunga Pizza Grill & Bar

The first thing you notice when you see the restaurant are the Madonnas displayed high above the entrance; once you enter you’ll be awed by the majestic tower fountain guarding the entrance. The restaurant almost resembles a wine cellar, with its sandpapered walls and giant wine bottles covered with multicolored wax. A wood oven serves as centerpiece. Service isn’t quite up to standard. The restaurant had run out of several of the wines I ordered and the waiter was utterly clueless of the proper procedure for serving wine. Fortunately after sensing my superior demeanor and upbringing the Maître d’ assigned a new waiter to our to table who was acceptable, though of course not perfect. The restaurant serves Italian cooking and I would encourage you to order a something from the oven. Everything I ate was excellent. If you can, try to sit in the Terrace, it’s prettier and gets more light. It’s located in San Jeronimo next to Pasta e Vino What I had:
  • Pizza Maralugna: Anchoas, Alcaparras, Olivos Negros
  • Grill de Verduras
  • Trucha
  • Crema de 4 quesos
  • Blinnis relleno de queso mascarpone
  • Pasqua Lapaccio Primitivo del Salento 2005

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