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Shapefiles from the 2020 INEGI Census

Mexican Municipios Shapefiles

Download free shapefiles of Mexico including demographic data

The most polluted cities in Mexico

Pollution in Guadalajara

R package to download air quality data from more than a 100 monitoring stations throughout Mexico

How to create crime maps of Mexico City

Crime locations in Mexico City

Use the API to create maps of Mexico City crime by latitude and longitude

Real-time air pollution data for Mexico City

Pollution levels in Mexico City

Website and R package with real-time Mexico City pollution, temperature, and wind data

Shapefiles from the 2015 Population Survey

Street Map

Download updated shapefiles from the 2015 Encuesta Intercensal

Mexico’s Black Population

Percentage of the population that is Afro-Mexican by County

The 2015 population survey marked the first time since the 19th century that the Mexican government included a distinct category for people of Afro-Mexican descent.

Up-to-date Crime Information

Crime in Mexico

Each month the Secretariado Ejecutivo del Sistema Nacional de Seguridad Pública publishes crime information on its website. The crimenmexico website downloads, processes the data, and presents it in an easy to interpret format.

Maps of the 2015 Mexican Election

Interactive Map of the 2015 Election

Mexico to be ruled by the PRI for the next three years

Municipios with missing persons anomalies

missing persons

The Secretaría de Gobernación just updated the missing persons database (RNPED) to include data up to January 2015. The database now contains information on 25,293 missing persons from the fuero común (local government) and 443 from the fuero federal (federal government).

The most partisan first names

names by party registration

I downloaded data from the Instituto Nacional Electoral to find out which names are the most overrepresented among the three main political parties in Mexico (PRI, PAN, and PRD). As was to be expected names are markers of class, income, religion, and geographical regions there are some major differences in which names the members of each political party bear.

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Disclaimer: This website is not affiliated with any of the organizations or institutions to which Diego Valle-Jones belongs. All opinions are my own.

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