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Trapiche Malbec 2006

It felt almost as if I were drinking watered down blackberry juice steeped in an oak barrel. Yuk!

Bayes Theorem and Alzheimer’s

Apparently there is a new test for detecting Alzheimer’s in its early stages:
One of the most distressing aspects of Alzheimer’s disease is the difficulty in determining whether mild memory problems are the beginning of an inevitable mental decline. Researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine have ...

La Doña

According to legend, when Agustín de Iturbide returned to Puebla from signing the Independence declaration in Veracruz, some nuns decided celebrate the occasion by making a dish that had all the colors of the Mexican flag. Chiles en Nogada. To accomplish this they took a Chile Poblano, filled it with ...

L.A. Cetto 2003

Water distilled from the miasmas of the marshes in Mexico City with a drop of lemon juice. Yuck!

My Fat Cat Jumping

Cuase no blog is complete unless it has a video of your fat cat.

Die Weiße Rose

Das ist eine Scheisse Film!!! Zwei kilo Scheisse.

Le Samuraï

It should have been called “Le Ronin,” the hitman had no boss!

J’ai vu !

Querelles parmi mes domestiques. Ils prétendent qu’on casse les verres, la nuit, dans les armoires. Le valet de chambre accuse la cuisinière, qui accuse la lingère, qui accuse les deux autres. Quel est le coupable ? Bien fin qui le dirait !

Concha y Toro Cabernet Sauvignon/Merlot

Concha y Toro Selección Cabernet Sauvignon/Merlot 2006 A strong body with an aftertaste of berries, only drink if cheap.

Nero d’Avola

Nero d’Avola Shiraz 2005 An extremely young wine full of tannins. Contains turpentine, black pepper and spicy berries. Do not drink now, maybe in a few years.

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Disclaimer: This website is not affiliated with any of the organizations or institutions to which Diego Valle-Jones belongs. All opinions are my own.

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