Cleaned up Mexican population estimates by five-year age groups and gender 1990-2030 (mid-year) at the state level:
Original data from the CONAPO website
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The UNAM is Mexico’s biggest and most important university. To enter it students must either take an exam or graduate from a high school run by the UNAM in less than 4 years with a grade point average of at least 70% (although some majors like medicine require 90% for pase directo). The admission exam is given twice a year, in February and June, and any student from any high school with at least a grade point average of 70% can take it. If the student meets the requirements for entering the UNAM, passing the exam guarantees him admission. The exam has 120 questions.
With so much data pertaining to the drug war released recently it’s hard to keep track of it all. And as with all things in life there are different pros and cons associated with each of the datasets: The homicide data from the police (SNSP), the homicide data from the vital statistics (INEGI), and the different estimates of drug war related deaths from Reforma, Milenio, and the database of homicides presumed to have been committed by organized crime.
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Disclaimer: This website is not affiliated with any of the organizations or institutions to which Diego Valle-Jones belongs. All opinions are my own.
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