Posted on Tue 27 May 2014

Crime in Mexico City at the cuadrante delictivo level

Update: This post has been superceded by

Click on the image to visit the interactive visualization
I recently made a FOIA request to the SSPDF requesting information on crime at the cuadrante delictivo level (in-between size a municipio and a manzana), and to my surprise they actually answered with a PDF file containing homicides, robbery to businesses with violence, and car robbery with and without violence, from Jan 2013 to April 2014. I also asked for data on extortion, kidnapping, etc but the SSPDF claimed not to have any records on those crimes.

To be able to display the data on a map I scraped the polygon coordinates of each cuadrante from the find the cop assigned to your quadrant website. The data was supplemented with population figures obtained by using a point-in-polygon algorithm from the 2010 Census at the manzana level.

The data for April 2014 was clearly incomplete and I excluded it from the visualizations. The numbers provided by the SSPDF compare favorably to those provided by the SNSP, though you have to remember these are averiguaciones previas (reports) and that they undercount the number of victims, especially for the crime of homicide.

Crime (2013) SNSP SSPDF
Homicidio doloso 749 899
Robo a negocio C/V 4,239 4290
Robo de vehiculo automotor C/V 5,223 5,211
Robo de vehiculo automotor S/V 12,056 12,014

The data at the cuadrante level is visualized as counts because the daytime population of a cuadrante is probably different from the number of people who actually live there.

Sectors (Each sector contains many quadrants)

P.S. The code and data are on GitHub

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Disclaimer: This website is not affiliated with any of the organizations or institutions to which Diego Valle-Jones belongs. All opinions are my own.

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