which I guess means that Secretariado Ejecutivo del Sistema Nacional de Seguridad Pública has suspended its open data policy of providing crime information. Apparently crime info is now only downloadable from a couple of zip files, but SESNSP made sure to:
- Change the names of the crimes to include whitespace at the end (e.g “ROBOS” to “ROBOS ”)
- Not include the INEGI code for each state and municipality, thus making it really difficult to merge with other data
- Spell state names both with and without accents (YUCATÁN and YUCATAN)
- Include subtotals (e.g. total crimes with violence) at the municipality level but not at the state level
- Change the file format from csv to xlsx (Excel)
At the webpage for downloading the crime information the SESNSP claims that [emphasis added]:
La presentación de los datos sobre incidencia delictiva en este portal electrónico obedece a los principios de acceso a la información y transparencia y a la adopción de las mejores prácticas internacionales en gobierno abierto.If you disagree you can contact the SESNSP at: cni@secretariadoejecutivo.gob.mx