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Up-to-date Crime Information

Crime in Mexico

Each month the Secretariado Ejecutivo del Sistema Nacional de Seguridad Pública publishes crime information on its website. The crimenmexico website downloads, processes the data, and presents it in an easy to interpret format.

Municipios with missing persons anomalies

missing persons

The Secretaría de Gobernación just updated the missing persons database (RNPED) to include data up to January 2015. The database now contains information on 25,293 missing persons from the fuero común (local government) and 443 from the fuero federal (federal government).

The 74 most violent cities in Mexico (2013)

I’ve updated the mxmortalitydb package to include 2013 data. This data only package includes all injury intent deaths (accidents, homicides, suicides, and unspecified intent) that were registered in Mexico from 2004 to 2013. You can use the package to calculate changes and trends in homicide rates in the most violent metro areas (or large municipios) or at the national level.

Important notice regarding crimenmexico

Update: I’ve restructured crimenmexico and it’s working again.

Interactive map of the drug war in Mexico - 2012

It’s that time of the year again when I update the interactive map of the drug war in Mexico. The map now uses 30 day months to calculate homicide rates and the new CONAPO population estimates. As usual there is also a Spanish version. All deaths registered without a date of occurrence were assumed to have occurred in the same month they were registered and all deaths without a municipio of occurrence were assumed to have taken place where they were registered. Various events are worth checking out:

Changes in homicide rates

More examples of using the mxmortalitydb package! Changes and trends in homicide rates in the most violent metro areas or big municipios. There was a big increase in violence in Nuevo Laredo. For comparison the homicide rate in Chicago (metro area) was 8.2.

An R package with all injury intent deaths registered in Mexico 2004-2012

This is a data only package containing all injury intent deaths (accidents, suicides, homicides, legal interventions, and deaths of unspecified intent) registered by the SSA/INEGI from 2004 to 2012. The data source for the database is the INEGI. In addition the data was coded with the Injury Mortality Matrix ...

Continuously updated crime information

Visit crimenmexico.diegovalle.net for the latest official crime information.

Interactive map of the drug war in Mexico

I’ve updated the interactive map

Map of homicides in Monterrey

Click on the image to visit the map

This a somewhat cleaned up 2d density map of homicides in Monterrey as reported by El Norte during all of 2012. Do take note that the map is of homicide locations rather than counts and that I removed a couple of non-homicide events that were present in the original data.

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Disclaimer: This website is not affiliated with any of the organizations or institutions to which Diego Valle-Jones belongs. All opinions are my own.

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