Cleaned up Mexican population estimates by five-year age groups and gender 1990-2030 (mid-year) at the state level:
Original data from the CONAPO website
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In Mexico City all ninth graders who want to enroll in a public high school (grades 10 trough 12 in Mexico) must take an exam called COMIPEMS. In order to ensure students are assigned in a fair way to a school of their choice the following steps are taken:
My post on how to download electoral shapefiles proved to be very popular, so I decided to create another script to download shapefiles of census geographies.
Just some maps of the Mexico City metro area based on the 2010 census. You can search by address and switch to satellite view. If the maps seem slow I suggest you use chrome.
Click on the image to visit the interactive version (Spanish) |
I liked this visualization by the New York Times of the US presidential election so much I decided to recreate it using Mexican data, and in the process added a slope graph. So go visit my new visualization of the change in presidential vote from 2006 to 2012 at the municipality level. I recommend using chrome to view the visualisation, there’s also a Spanish version.
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Disclaimer: This website is not affiliated with any of the organizations or institutions to which Diego Valle-Jones belongs. All opinions are my own.
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