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The unmarried parenthood rate in Mexico

Births to unmarried mothers

Visualizing ENLACE 2009

Mexican PISA Scores

Google’s R Style Guide

The more I use R, the more I have to agree with the attach() rule. Here’s the complete list
Summary: R Style Rules
# File Names: end in .R
# Identifiers:, FunctionName, kConstantName
# Line Length: maximum 80 characters
# Indentation: two spaces, no tabs
# Spacing
# Curly Braces: first on same ...

Analysis of Flu Cases in Mexico

Height and Obesity by Country

No surprises here. Icelandic and Dutch women are taller than Mexican men. Data from the oecd.

A million times worse than Michael Jackson

The world of Mexican midget wrestling is in mourning after two of its most famous stars were apparently poisoned by fake prostitutes

The headline should have mentioned La Parkita and Espectrito Jr. were twin brothers.

Smoked Pork

Human influenza A(H1N1) deaths by education and hospital

Most people who died from influenza had very little education, but then most people in Mexico have very little education, according to the OECD the educational attainment for all of Mexico is not much different (considering the small sample sizes) from the people 58 people who had died when I ...

Human influenza A(H1N1) statistics

A time series of confirmed influenza cases in Mexico. The steep decline started 3 days after the schools in Mexico City were closed.

Unlike the normal flu, the number of deaths caused by the new virus occurs mainly in those between 20-54 years of age.

A time series of the ...

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Disclaimer: This website is not affiliated with any of the organizations or institutions to which Diego Valle-Jones belongs. All opinions are my own.

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